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ResMed Help Center

Access a Patient Portal Account

This article will guide you in assisting the patient with activating their patient portal account.

Document ID 3565

Note: You must ensure the patient has an email address on their patient profile before they will be able to log into the patient portal.

Check for Activation

Before you begin, you must check the Patient Details tab in ReSupply to see if the patient has already activated there account.

Reset/Delete Patient Portal Account

If the patient is still not able to receive the activation email, password reset email or log in, we must Delete their online patient portal.

Access a Patient Portal Account

IMPORTANT: You must ensure the patient has an email address on the patient profile before they will be able to log into the patient portal.

Navigate to the Patient Portal, and start by having the patient enter their email address on file in the Resupply Platform. clipboard_ea0b12b551646d75ca2f0bb874c1911c1.png

Password Requirements

When assisting a patient in setting their password, they will need to adhere to the following restrictions, which are also included in their activation email.

Helpful Links

Patient Portal Link

Here is a link to the Activate Your Patient Portal Account flyer.

Here is a link to a self-help video Activate your patient portal account

Navigate a Patient Portal Online Account

Click here to submit any feedback or suggestions.


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