Solve rejected import records
Role required: Organization administrator
In some cases, the system rejects patient records included in your import file. To review the rejected patient records:
- From the Administration menu, click patient and order import.
- In the file name column, click the relevant import file.
- At the bottom of the page, click Download rejected records.
Reasons for rejection
The report downloads and opens in Microsoft® Excel for you to review. The rejected reason for each record is located in the last column of the file. Each record falls under one of the following reasons:
Rejection reason | Description |
Patient {patient id}, line number {row numbers} already exists in ResMed ReSupply. | Indicates that the patient record already exists and the record in question is a duplicate. |
(Patient ID) is required. It cannot exceed 50 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The Patient ID field is either blank, contains 51 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(Last name) is required. It cannot exceed 100 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The Last Name field is either blank, contains 101 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(First name) is required. It cannot exceed 100 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The First Name field is either blank, contains 101 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(Date of Birth) is required and must be in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. | The Date of Birth field is either blank or not in the correct format (MM/DD/YYYY). |
(Member ID) if specified, cannot exceed 20 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The Member ID field either contains 21 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(Outreach Phone Number) must be in the following format: 000 000 0000. | The Outreach Phone Number field is not in the correct format (000 000 0000). Check for spaces, brackets, hyphens or dashes. |
(Outreach Email) must be in the following format: value@domain.extension | The Outreach Email field does not match the required format. Check for unnecessary spaces before and after the email address. |
(Address 1) cannot exceed 100 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The Address 1 field contains 101 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(Zip / Postal Code) cannot exceed 10 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The Zip / Postal Code field contains 11 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(HCPCS) is not supported by ResMed ReSupply. | The date in the patient's HCPCS code field does not match any item in our product catalog. |
(Serial Number) cannot exceed 100 characters and cannot contain malicious characters. | The Serial Number field contains 101 or more characters or contains special characters that were not recognized. |
(Last Supplied Date), if specified, is formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. Date must be today or earlier, but after 1900-01-01. |
The date listed in the Last Supplied Date is either:
(Location) is required. The patient record requires a valid organization location. | The location field is either blank or does not match the location name or alias in the platform. |
Resolve rejected records
After you review each record and correct the issue, re-upload the file.
Tip: You can use the rejected records report or file to make the corrections and re-upload the file.