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Work items

Role required: Resupply user

From the Work items tab, you can track all work items associated with a patient profile.

About the Work items tab

By default, the Work items tab displays all open work items that require your attention. The information is organized into two columns:

  • Item - displays a link with the type of work item and work item details.
  • Created - shows the date the work item was created.


View work items

To view all open and closed work items associated with a patient: 

  1. From the Patients menu, select All patients
  2. Search for the patient using the preferred option from the search criteria list. 
  3. In the Name column, click the patient's name. 
  4. Select Work items.
  5. In the Item column, click the work items link.

play_video_image_1280px.pngView work items.gif

Tip: By default, ResMed ReSupply displays all open work items for a patient. To review closed work items, click Show only and select Closed from the Status list.

To learn more, see the Manage work items section. 

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